Overview on health status of the Albanian population


  • Iris Mone
  • Bledar Kraja
  • Enver Roshi
  • Genc Burazeri




Albania, demographic transition, epidemiological transition, health profile, Western Balkans


The Albanian population is rapidly aging (in 2020, almost 15% of the population was ≥65 years) as a result of a steady increase in life expectancy (74.4 years in men and 78.7 years in women in in 2021), a gradual decrease in fertility rate (1.6 children per woman of childbearing age in 2020), and emigration of particularly young adults.

This demographic transition experienced in the past three decades has inevitably led to a significant change in the epidemiological profile of the Albanian population, characterized by a remarkable shift towards non-communicable diseases (NCDs), particularly cardiovascular diseases (CVD), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes.

The main risk factors in the Albanian population consist of high blood pressure (top risk factor, accounting for about 34% of the overall mortality), nutritional-related risks (second, constituting about 25% of the overall mortality), and smoking (third risk factor, accounting for about 20% of the overall mortality).

The national “Health Strategy, Albania 2021-2030” is a political document of the Albanian government that aims to define and achieve the objectives of the program for the protection and improvement of the health of the Albanian population.

Following the national “Health Strategy, Albania 2021-2030”, two new action plans were recently developed: the “Action Plan on NCDs, Albania 2021-2030” and the “Action Plan on Health Promotion, Albania 2022-2030”.


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How to Cite

Mone, I. ., Kraja, B., Roshi, E. and Burazeri, G. (2022) “Overview on health status of the Albanian population”, South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH). doi: 10.11576/seejph-5913.