Overview of the main incremental health care reforms introduced between 2014 and 2020 in Romania


  • Silvia Gabriela Scintee
  • Cristian Vladescu




Health care reform, health planning, health resources, quality of health care, Romania


Aim: On 2014 the Government of Romania has committed to improving health and health system through the implementation of the 2014–2020 National Health Strategy: Health for Prosperity. An official evaluation of the strategy implementation is not publicly available yet. This paper aims to provide an overview of the main incremental reforms taken during this period in Romania and to analyse the results from the perspective of the main Strategy goals.


Methods: Information was collected from legislative documents, statistical and scientific publications. The main implemented or initiated incremental reforms, during the assessed period, were assigned to five main clusters: ”governance”, “resources for health”, “coverage and access”, “organization of health care”, “quality of care” and were analysed in accordance with the aim, the type, the implementation stage and the corresponding objectives of the Strategy.


Results: The 2014–2020 National Health Strategy has definitely not reached all its objectives, but one sign of prosperity, is that based on 2019 per capita income (of $12,630) World Bank classified Romania, for the first time, as a high-income country. The health status of the population has increased in many aspects, yet Romanians’ health has still remained among the poorest in the European Union (EU).


Conclusion:  Incremental reforms might be successful, but the small steps should be taken in a holistic approach, and should be tailored to specific needs. Previous strengthening health systems resilience and plans for overcoming possible risks and obstacles might ensure successful implementation. Assessments of the reforms might draw lessons that help policymakers in shaping further health policies and designing of next strategies.


Conflict of interest: None declared.


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How to Cite

Gabriela Scintee, S. and Vladescu, C. (2022) “Overview of the main incremental health care reforms introduced between 2014 and 2020 in Romania”, South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH). doi: 10.11576/seejph-5477.