Management of Medical Record Unit Services for Covid-19 Patients in Type C Hospitals: A Study of Legal Aspects.


  • Retno Astuti Setijaningsih
  • Suyoko Suyoko
  • Mellinia Sukamto
  • Arinimar Shaffa Wijayanti
  • Brissa Gustaviar Vaninda
  • Eva Nur Rochmah
  • Ngesti Wahyuni
  • Sabrina Hayatun Nufus
  • Slamet Isworo



standard operating procedures, Covid-19, design, legal information, medical resume, policies and standards


Background: The impact of the pandemic on medical record health service procedures has induced significant changes. The duplication of Covid-19 patient numbers in the patient medical record unit is an important concern. This study aims to analyze the legal aspects of managing medical record services during the Covid-19 pandemic in hospitals.

Methods: This type of research is descriptive and quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The key informants are 15 registration and medical record unit officers, using online interview techniques, employed in three hospitals in Semarang with a focus on group discussions. The object of research includes the management of medical records and service standards for Covid-19 patients as regulations in the medical record unit of the Semarang city general hospital.

Results: Policies and standards for medical record services for Covid-19 patients, have not been adjusted to the provisions based on Circular Letter Number HM.01.01/001/III/2020 concerning procedures for work in situations of the Covid-19 outbreak. The medical record service for Covid-19 patients still applies paper-based or semi-electronic medical records so that errors can occur. This can cause legal problems for hospitals; therefore, medical record service standards must meet legal aspects as legal evidence that can protect the interests of various parties.

Conclusions: It is necessary to manage a medical resume form design that is better, complete, electronical, and in accordance with legal aspects.

Conflicts of interest: None declared.


Authors’ contributions: This research was conducted in collaboration of all the authors. The authors of the RAS designed the study. Authors RAS, S, MS, ASW, BGV, ENR, NW and SHN did the sampling and wrote the first draft. Authors S, SI and RAS authors wrote the protocol and administered the study analysis. The RAS authors and SI authors managed the literature search. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


Data Availability: All relevant data has been registered with supporting file information.


Ethical Approval: According to international standards or research standards in the Republic of Indonesia, written ethical consent has been collected and kept by the author. This research proposal has passed the ethical review from the Health Research Ethics Commission (KEPK) Faculty of Health, Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang on May 4, 2021 with an Ethical Approval Certificate issued with Number 024/EA/KEPK-Fkes-UDINUS/V/2021.


Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful for their support to the Leadership Gondosuwarno General Hospital Ungaran, Ken Saras Hospital Bawen, the Permata Medika General Hospital Semarang, and the Dean of Faculty of Health, Dian Nuswantoro University, Semarang Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Setijaningsih, R. A. ., Suyoko, S. ., Sukamto, M. ., Wijayanti, A. S. ., Vaninda, B. G. ., Rochmah, E. N., Wahyuni, N. ., Nufus, S. H. . and Isworo, S. . (2022) “Management of Medical Record Unit Services for Covid-19 Patients in Type C Hospitals: A Study of Legal Aspects”., South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH). doi: 10.11576/seejph-5326.