Ten years onwards: Comparison of the South Eastern European regional public health strategy 2004 and the South Eastern European 2020 strategy





public health strategy, regional collaboration, socioeconomic development


Aim: Regional collaboration has continuously contributed to the development of public health in the South Eastern Europe (SEE) region since 2000 when the Public Health Collaboration in SEE (PH-SEE) was initiated. This article looks into two frameworks for regional collaboration in the area of public health: a framework developed in 2004 by a network of public health professionals and academics, and another one developed by the SEE Health Network as integral part of the SEE 2020 strategy on Jobs and Prosperity in a European Perspective, adopted in 2013. It compares the commonalities and differences of the two frameworks; considers what is still valid and relevant after ten years and which new features have emerged in the new strategy.

Methods: A literature review was carried out and a qualitative analysis was applied for the comparison of the two frameworks.

Results: Notwithstanding the time gap of nearly ten years, the commonalities between the two regional health strategies are significant. Major consistent goals include: improving equity in health; strengthening human resources for health; improving intersectoral cooperation and governance. The differences between the two regional strategies, including issues around social participation and regional health information systems, are partially due to their different development context. Cross-border policies and quality management have emerged as new or more pronounced topics in the SEE 2020 strategy’s health dimension.

Conclusions: Many aspects addressed in the 2004 framework are pertinent with regard to the SEE 2020 health dimension and remain relevant in the current context. The integration of health as part of the economic SEE 2020 strategy reflects a significant paradigm shift and important step forward for public health.

Author Biography

Ulrich Laaser, University of Bielefeld Faculty of Health Sciences

Ulrich Laaser, Professor Dr. med., D.T.M. & H., M.P.H.

Born 1941 in Königswusterhausen near Berlin.

Head (since 1998), Section of International Public Health at the Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Pu­blic Health, University of Bielefeld. Principal investigator of the Stability Pact Project on Public Health Training and Research in South Eastern Europe (2000-2010). Visiting professor at the School of Public Health in Belgrade, honorary professor in Sofia and Tirana. Member of the executive boards of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA, president 2010-2012), of the Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER, president 1993-1995), and of the German Association for Health Sciences and Public Health (since 1997, president 1997-2001). Member of the Honour’s Committee of ASPHER and chair of the Advisory Board of the WFPHA (since 2015). Co-editor of the book series on International Public Health, Hans Jacobs Editing Company, Lage, Germany; co-editor of the South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (www.seejph.com). Degrees 1970 from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of  Public Health, Baltimore, USA (Master of Public Health) and 1969 from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Diploma of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene). For the last decade various public health projects in South Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Near East and in the Pacific Region.


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How to Cite

Wiskow, C., Ruseva, M. and Laaser, U. (2016) “Ten years onwards: Comparison of the South Eastern European regional public health strategy 2004 and the South Eastern European 2020 strategy”, South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH), 5(1). doi: 10.4119/seejph-1826.



Review Articles