„Die katholischen Könige sollen zurückkehren!“ Die Konflikte um die muslimische Präsenz in Katalonien


  • Jordi Moreras




This article reports on dynamics and patterns of social conflict around mosque building and the hijab (the traditional Islamic veil) in Catalonia, Spain. The author introduces the specific context of the Spanish arena, its historical and political preconditions, and the strategies and interpretations of different actors involved in conflicts around Islamic symbols. He draws a picture of political culture in local areas as well as in Catalonia as a region, showing that the informal model of integrating ethnic minorities does not match the real facts. Whatever politicians and formal law may proclaim or wish, the only model of integration at work in Spain is that of cultural assimilation.

The article concludes that in comparison to other European societies, Spanish civil society and political culture are being forced to go through a process of accelerated learning. This learning can be strengthened by conflicts. Conflicts around Islamic symbols can teach society a new model of integration.





Moreras, J. (2003). „Die katholischen Könige sollen zurückkehren!“ Die Konflikte um die muslimische Präsenz in Katalonien. Journal für Konflikt- Und Gewaltforschung, 5(2), 52–73. https://doi.org/10.11576/jkg-5637