Konflikte um islamische Symbole in Europa


  • Stefano Allievi




Islam has an unmistakable social and cultural presence in the European public space. It is too clearly visible and too „obstinate” for it not to give rise to debate and tension. Examples of issues that have led to lively debate on the acceptability of Islam in the European public space are the wearing of the hijab, the position of women, fundamentalism, and also other intellectual and religious issues. Debates on the presence and visibility of Islam in the cities have become particularly significant, dealing with mosques, Islamic cemeteries, or the possibility of sounding the call for prayer, the adhan; these are not just debates in the public space, but about the public space. This would seem to be the main issue, since it concerns the perception of control over and the symbolic definition of territory.





Allievi, S. (2003). Konflikte um islamische Symbole in Europa. Journal für Konflikt- Und Gewaltforschung, 5(2), 6–31. https://doi.org/10.11576/jkg-5635