Information For Authors
Notes for Contributors / Style Sheet
Digital Peer Publishing Licence (DPPL)
This page contains an explanation about the style sheet we use and a brief summary how a peer review works.
Peer Review
Papers submitted to InterDisciplines are subject to a process of anonymous peer review by the editors of the journal and at least two additional reviewers. InterDisciplines adheres to a double-blind review process. Therefore, to guard your anonymity, we ask that you omit all references to yourself or to your publications in the manuscript you send in for review. You will be able to add references to the manuscript at a later stage of the publishing process if you wish to do so.
Once a paper has entered the peer review process, authors are informed of the approximate date by which the editors will discuss and evaluate their manuscript as well as the date of possible publication. The review process might take up to six months. There are three possible outcomes of the review process: either an article is accepted and will be published with minor revisions; or an article is accepted, but the author must make changes to form or content following recommendations provided by the editors and reviewers or, thirdly, an article is rejected.
Style Sheet
Language: The InterDisciplines publishes in English. Please use American spelling and punctuation (except for quotations), including the serial comma (a, b, and c).
Length: Articles submitted for publication should not exceed 8,000 words, including endnotes. This includes an abstract of around 200 words which presents the argument of the article.
Text format: Text font size should be 12 pt, with a line spacing of at least 15 pt and a 6 pt space after paragraphs.
Quotations: We follow the quotation guidelines of the Merriam-Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and the Chicago Manual of Style. This includes the use of French double quotation marks throughout the text: » «. For quotations within quotations, please use single quotation marks: › ‹.
For emphases or terms that are not true quotations, you should use double quotation marks.
Quotations within the text should always be in English. If applicable, you may put the original version in the footnote. At the end of a quote there should be a reference to the original source. A quotation of three or more lines should be displayed in a smaller font type and indented on the left (without quotation marks).
For omissions within a sentence three spaced points in square brackets should be used: »[…]«
If you use reference management software such as Endnote, Citavi or the like, please choose the output style that corresponds to the Chicago Manual of Style.
Numbers and dates: Write out numbers until ten, for higher numbers use numerals. Dates should be written as follows: January 25, 1987 or (in references) Jan. 25, 1987.
Headlines: Use only four levels of headlines: main title (level one), subtitle to the main title (level two), title within the text (level three), subtitle within the text (level four). Please do not number your titles or subtitles.
Footnotes and references InterDisciplines uses the dual system of notes and references generally used in the social sciences and humanities. References to literature are placed in brackets within the text and should indicate author, year of publication and (preferably) specific page numbers of the works cited, e.g.: (Franklin 2007, 14–16).
For collaborations of two authors, state both names separated by an »and«: (Daston and Galison 2007, 2–23). In the case of four or more authors, state the name of the first author and refer to the other authors by using et al., e.g. (Olby et al. 1990). In the case of institutional authors, give the name of the institution as briefly as possible. For two or more entries by the same author with the same date, distinguish between the publications by adding an a, b, or c after the year of publication. Multiple references are separated by semicolons within brackets.
For further discussion of the literature or descriptions of archival sources, please use footnotes. References to archival sources should describe archival material/documents (e.g.: letter A to B, Aug. 11, 1951) followed by the name of the archive, and the detailed location.
Footnotes should also be used if the source is a newspaper or a magazine article, or a similar online source. This depends on the amount of times the source is used. If the text refers only once or twice to the same source, documenting it in the footnotes is enough. Otherwise list it in the references to keep the amount of footnotes small.
Tables/Figures Tables and figures should be placed in those sections of the text in which they are referred to. All figures/tables should be numbered and have a caption and a reference to the source (in the same format you would use in the sources list). Audio- and video-files can also be linked to the articles. Please send these files separately.
List of References
All references should be listed separately at the end of the article. This list should be titled References. Name the author, year, title, and place as follows:
Author’s last name, full first name. year. title [italics]. edition [where necessary]. volume [where necessary]. Translated by [where necessary]. Place [in case of multiple locations only the first city]: publisher
Pollan, Michael. 2006. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. 6th ed. New York: Penguin
Reference in the text: (Pollan 2006, 99–100)
Two or more authors
Ward, Geoffrey C. and Ken Burns. 2007. The War: An Intimate History, 1941–1945. New York: Knopf
Reference in the text: (Ward and Burns 2007, 52)
Four or more authors
For four or more authors, list all of the authors in the reference list; in the text, list only the first author, followed by et al.:
Reference in the text: (Briggs et al. 1988)
Articles in books
Author’s last name, full first name. year. »title of article.« In Book title [italic], volume [where necessary], edited by first name last name [where necessary], pages. Place [in case of multiple locations only the first city]: publisher
Kelly, John D. 2010. »Seeing Red: Mao Fetishism, Pax Americana, and the Moral Economy of War.« In Anthropology and Global Counterinsurgency, edited by John D. Kelly, Beatrice Jauregui, Sean T. Mitchell, and Jeremy Walton, 67–83. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Articles in journals
Author’s last name, full first name. year. title of article. Periodical title vol. (issue no.) [where necessary]: pages
Haraway, Donna J. 1994. »A Game of Cat's Cradle: Science Studies, Feminist Theory, Cultural Studies.« Configurations 2 (1): 59–71
In the text: (Haraway 1994, 70)
Articles in newspapers
Author’s last name, full first name. year. »title of article.« newspaper, date
Mendelsohn, Daniel. 2010. »But Enough about Me.« New Yorker, January 25.
In the text: (Mendelsohn 2010, 68)
Online articles
Stolberg, Sheryl Gay, and Robert Pear. 2010. »Wary Centrists Posing Challenge in Health Care Vote.« New York Times, February 27. Accessed February 28, 2010.
In the text: (Stolberg and Pear 2010)
Dissertations/unpublished material/report
Author’s last name, full first name. year. »title.« Type of dissertation/type of text, university Example
Choi, Mihwa. 2008. »Contesting Imaginaires in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty.« PhD diss., University of Chicago
Corresponding reference in the text: (Choi 2008)
Author’s last name, full first name/name of the institution. year. »title.« Last accessed/modified date. internet address
Google. 2009. »Google Privacy Policy.« Last modified March 11, YEAR.
McDonald’s Corporation. 2008. »McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy Safety Facts.« Accessed July 19, YEAR.
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